I can't imagine my life without music and reading! I like to help people and never avoid anybody when someone needs me or my help! I think that life is impossible without kind people and always try to help with any kind of work! I like to go to communicate with people as psychologist and it always help them! Sometimes I attend local meeting where people organize events with people who need the help, for example old people who live alone without family.
I decided that I will not lose my chance and then I came to this site! I can say that all my life I was very strong woman and almost everything I got myself. I always appreciated the help from my parents but in the same time I tried to show them that they will have very hard-working and good daughter. That is why I began to work on different jobs when I was 15, I also was good in my study and tried to be active and social person. But one day I understood that I want to become weaker and to feel that I can always be sure in someone's strong shoulder. Dear I really need the feeling of strong man's soul and want to see that someone really needs me in everyday life and who can care about me as a real woman. My parents always taught me to be kind with people and now I know for sure that kindness is like boomerang! It will always come back to people who gave it at once. So I believe that happy days and sunny rays are just waiting for me!
40 - 65 years old
I am very thankful for your attention if you are reading this letter from me! My favorite season has come and unfortunately I don't feel so happy with it this year. Every day I wake up with thought of loneliness. Of course I do have a lot of people around me but it is not something I need now. I want to have my special man already and I am so ready for starting serious relationship and creation of family. I don't want to live empty life and I want to show how much affection and love I have inside of my heart. I do believe that I will find this man who will be able to come inside of it and to feel my kind and lovely soul! That is why I came to this site and truly believe that here I will meet that special man for me! When I was reading magazine I found the wonderful story of love of two people who met each other a year ago! It sounds like they we were waiting for each other all the life and once they got the possibility to meet on this site. So Warmly Anna
pop, jazz
I like to play tennis.Will you play with me?
red this is color of passion
I like brighk close better
I think it is my university years
Time when we went to my grandmother village house
ukrainian borsh
I do like to cook.Most of all I like to cook ukrainian dishes.
it doesn't matter, the main is to live in love and happiness
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